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Friday, May 17, 2019

Kudos Alabama and Mississippi!!!

As far as I'm concerned, this year has been phenomenal for the pro-life forces. Several states have passed through their state houses laws designed to protect the life of a fetus. Alabama and Mississippi this week passed and signed into law two of the most restrictive abortion access laws. Kudos! Mega dittos! High fives all  the way around!

The pro death forces are, predictably, losing their minds over these new laws, bemoaning the loss of reproductive health care for women, blah, blah, blah. Their arguments haven't changed since they were forced to admit that a fetus is not just a collection of cells, but a human being.

My incredulity comes from so-called pro-life conservative Christians who say these laws go too far. Really??! It's been 46 years of wholesale slaughter. Literally hundreds of people lose their lives each day due to abortion. The number is so large by now, it's like the National Debt, unfathomable. Too far? Not far enough!!!!! Abortion is legal up to 8 weeks of pregnancy; once a woman is pregnant, from the second the sperm fertilizes the egg, she has a human baby growing inside her. It is also legal if carrying the baby to term would kill the mother. Neither law has consequences for women who have illegal abortions, the consequences are saved for the perpetrators of the killing the "doctors".

We, who have seen clearly and accepted the atrocities of history, have become what we have condemned. I include myself. I wear pro-life t shirts, I write blogs, I pass along stories on social media, but I don't act as if the slaughter of innocents happens every day. If I did, I would never leave the doors of these businesses. I rationalize because I have a job, I have bills to pay, I won't make that much of a difference, blah, blah, blah.

So, yes, kudos to Mississippi and Alabama. They get it. Maybe the rest of us can start to get it, too.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Seriously, What's All the Fuss About?

The main stream media has an agenda. I know, no one's ever said that before, right? This outrage over media bias has certainly grown in the past few years, but media bias is nothing new. And it isn't limited to the liberal "news" outlets like CNN and MSNBC; FOX News, "Fair and Balanced", also has a liberal bias, but they actually work at presenting a more balanced view. Yes. FOX News.

Before you blow a gasket, hear me out. When was the last time FOX News referred to pro-lifers as pro-life instead of anti-abortion? Are illegal immigrants called illegal, or are they called undocumented? Is it climate change, global warming, global cooling or weather? See, words and terminology matter. Products of conception or a fetus?

You see, I am old enough to remember when murdering your own baby was actually illegal. I am old enough to remember when the next climate crisis was going to be an ice age. I am old enough to remember when practicing infidelity was enough to knock a man out of the race for president (Gary Hart) because of the character issues it raised. I remember when a person's reputation and good name were actually taken into account. I remember when common sense was actually common.

But I digress. What is all the fuss about media bias? It isn't new. As someone who has been pro-life my entire life; and really shouldn't everyone be?; I've seen the media bias in action since the 1970's. The pro-life faction, which organized the March for Life in 1974, has never been called pro-life, it is always anti-abortion. For the past 45 years, every single year from 1974 through 2019, there has been a March for Life in Washington DC on or near the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision. What mainstream media outlet covers it? Literally, hundreds of thousands regular Americans go to Washington DC every year to show our respect for life from conception to natural death. Did you know? Do pro-lifers stand around bemoaning it? Not really. We put our heads down and go about our work. Oh, and we're winning. Even without any fair media coverage.

Somehow, someway, the truth manages to be told. More people than not admit life begins at conception, the argument now, is when that person gains "personhood". The main stream media really wanted Ms Clinton to win, and yet, the American public saw through that smoke. Politicians, the media, elites and the spoiled Hollywood bunch all want to tell us what we know, how we should behave, what we should believe, and what morals we should live by. We, the great unwashed, continue to go about our lives, raising our families, doing our jobs, and voting, praying and hoping for the best for our country.